Monday, March 21, 2011

Its been awhile......

Hi Everyone!

I know its been a long time since my last post. Have got plenty to write about and communicate. Unfortunately its been the available time that has been the reason for a lack of posts up until now. But I hope for that to change very soon.

This is also my first post from my nice new netbook. Now for a shameless plug ;) This new HP Mini 101 is fantastic! Full Linux support (which is a *must* for me) and everything just works. End of shameless plug!

This is also my first post using this new software - Blog Entry Poster. So far its been good. Perhaps a little basic compared to what I'm use to but sometimes simple is better.

So anyway, this just quick update to let everyone know that I have fallen off the face of the earth. I just haven't had time to do any future posts the justice they deserve. So please stay tuned. More will follow as soon as there is some time.
