Sunday, May 30, 2010

Waiters, Sex, Lies and Coffee - Part 1 !

Welcome to my bog. This maybe the first entry - but definitely will not be the last.

My aim is to simply have a sort of online diary. Some will be controversial but most will likely be extremely controversial. So if you are easily offended, expect everything to fit into a predetermined pigeon hole, have highly embedded religious-based psychologically dependant belief systems - then you're probably best to leave now before you get hurt or offended.

Comments are welcome by members but if you can't take the time to join then I won't be waste my time reading or entertaining your comments.

For those that notice the photo, yes, it is about 5yrs old. But its a good one and I like it ;)

May 2010
Life - well, where do you begin. As a women it can be unbelievably good one day and then excruciatingly bad the next. Currently single, though only recently, it is truly amazing how much attention or inattention you can receive from the opposite sex based purely upon visual and physical appearance.

Case in point. Yesterday, with a female friend of mine, we visited a well known coffee/lunch establishment in NorthBridge. As usual the service, as with most eateries in Perth, was less than adequate. All two of the male waiters were less than interested in providing anyone, including us "older" ladies, any service yet mobile texting (or perhaps blogging ;) ) was a very high priority on their list of activities. As two young scantly clad ladies arrived, James (or Jim?) or Kevin (or maybe it was Kelvin) in between mobile texting duties suddenly became mainly focused on providing service and generous atttention to these two young ladies. Now these particular ladies, who obviously subscribe to the latest "fake-look" fad, were blonde in hair colour (almost identical funnily enough), wearing tank-tops with one wearing what was referred to as "hot-pants" in the 70's and the other what could only be described as a "belt" for a skirt. Males, I understand, in the presence of two young virile girls will most definitely loose most of their logic and self-awareness capability. My girl-friend and I proceeded to discussed this as we sat waiting for the attentions of the virile blondies to subside so we could eventually be served. As the discussion heated up I proposed an experiment to my friend who was less than enthusiastic. She was of the opinion that it was more the age of the virile blondies that contributed to their hypnotic abilities rather than anything else. I was of the belief that it was more the "fake-look" and clothing - or more to the point - the lack thereof that converted confident young men into snivelling, whimpering skin bags of rampant hormones. As all the blood in their brains leave for less responsible pastures located between their legs. 
The experiment was this. I was to ask either of the waiters which days of the week they worked and then we would return dressed and "faked-out" (as much as possible without the use of surgery) like our young doppelgängers and see how much attention and "benefits" we could extract from our waiters.
As it turns out, they both happen to be working the next day so the experiment was on! To make things even more interesting and to alleviate my friends' concerns she would dress and behave no differently to how she did today and then compare the behaviour of our waiter when I conveniently make a visit to the ladies-room.

I'm sure you're just waiting to know what we did, wore and what happened. Well, any readers will have to wait for the next "diary" instalment when I will confess all. And it will be worth the wait!

Blog on folks!!

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